Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You and Your Egg Whites

Marc why are you recommending whole eggs? Shouldn't I be eating egg whites? What about the cholesterol? You know the saying, if I have a dollar for every time I addressed this I would be rich!

If your throwing away the yolk-your throwing ALL the nutrition away. Egg yolks contain Vitamin A, Vitamin D (which is hard to find from foods in general), Vitamin E, B-complex vitamins, minerals like calcium and potassium, and a full array of healthful fats, most of which are unsaturated.

An egg is an egg is an egg....um, No...not at all! Keep reading!

This question is two fold. If your talking about a commercially raised chicken that has been farm raised and fed an ill diet, shot up with hormones and antibiotics then the answer is no this is NOT a health food and may have an ill effect on cholesterol and overall health due to the omega 3- omega 6 ratio.

If your talking about a free range organic chicken that lived a natural life by the design of mother nature your talking about a totally different food. A free range Organic Egg will have a ratio between 1:1 and 1:4 Omega 3- Omega 6 ratio while a typical commercially raised chicken will be as high as 1:16-30 This poses a problem for those who eat to many commercially raised eggs as too much omega-6 fatty acid in your diet facilitates the process of inflammation in our bodies.

Inflammation = disease

The ideal ratio of Omega-3:Omega-6 fatty acid is 1:4, the typical American Diet is 1:24, can you say disease?

Note: Your vegetable Oils are extremely high in Omega 6, stop using them immediately and start using an oil like coconut oil to cook with. But Marc, that coconut oil is a saturated fat! What do you think every cell in your body is made up of? We will save this for another lesson....

Since I am on a roll. I might as well talk about things like Wild Salmon vs. Commercially Raised Salmon. Farm Raised Salmon is NOT the same food as wild salmon. The wild kind is loaded with omega 3. It's striking color is from the krill it dines on which by the way provides a highly beneficial compound called astaxanthin, a natural carotenoid that gives salmon it's rich red color. For those of you that work with me one on one I would wager you are already on Krill Oil. For those of you who are not, contact me as I usually stock this supplement at all times. This is a supplement that has medicinal like properties.

Farm Raised salmon have never seen krill-they eat grain, which would be like feeding your dog a plant based diet.... Farm raised salmon have very little to no omega 3 fat and their color is the result of whatever selection of dye the factory farmers decide on that day.

Moral of the story- these are NOT even the same foods.

Some day we will go over meats...and yes RED MEAT can be a Super food -and some can be absolute crap. Yet, we unknowingly use the same words for all these different foods.

"You will attract everything you require - money, people, connections.. PAY ATTENTION to what's being set in front of you"


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