Sunday, August 16, 2009

What You Need to Know About Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

A great follow-up to my newsletter "The truth behind cholesterol medications...." If you don't have this newsletter email me and I will send it to's a must read!

In a major shot fired across the bow of the statin marketing machine, the levels of LDL cholesterol that are the artificial targets of "health" promoted by the American Heart Association (AHA) are now found to be associated with a significant increased risk of cancer and death.

The AHA recommends an LDL level of 100 for prevention and 70 for high risk patients. In the new study an LDL level of 107 was associated with a 33% increased risk of cancer and death, an LDL level of 87 was associated with a 50% increased risk. As the LDL goes lower the risk keeps getting worse. These arbitrary AHA levels for LDL cholesterol were established by "experts" with direct financial ties to the statin industry, who knew full well that reaching their artificially low target levels for LDL would require double and triple doses of statin drugs, thus dramatically increasing sales (which has indeed happened).

The Vytorin fraud has pointed out quite clearly that lowering LDL cholesterol to very low levels does not reduce cardiovascular disease. Another Vytorin study also shows doing so increases cancer risk by 64%. The new study paints the clear picture that lowering LDL too low actually increases the rate of death from any cause. This new study also points out the statistical shenanigans that the statin industry uses to hide the actual risks of these drugs in the studies that have been published.

The data was so alarming that the researchers called for a statistical reanalysis of the data from all existing cholesterol studies, using better statistical models that actually reflect true risk. The results of this new research led the authors to conclude "A low LDL cholesterol level is not necessarily associated with optimal clinical outcomes but is a predictor of cancer and death."

We have known for many years that individuals who maintain an LDL cholesterol level of 130 as they enter their 40s and 50s have much less heart disease as they grow older. This is because they are healthy and have maintained fitness in their cholesterol function and metabolism. There is no credible data to show that lowering LDL numbers with statins actually produces a similar level of health, especially to artificially low numbers. There is a huge difference between having good cholesterol numbers because you are healthy and drugging your body's synthesis of cholesterol with statins.

In the current study the ideal LDL cholesterol level was 126. The researchers were able to identify a bell shaped curve, in terms of a departure in either direction from this ideal number. LDL over 146 or less than 107 was associated with 33% increased risk of cancer. LDL over 164 of less than 87 was associated with a 50% increased risk. The risk keeps getting worse the higher or lower the number progresses away from the ideal of 126. LDL in the range of 108 – 145 had no statistically significant cancer risk, although being in the center of this range is clearly best.

There have been a number of studies in the past that link low cholesterol and cancer risk. However, these studies could not prove that the cancer was not already there prior to the start of the study – which has been the main argument used (besides statistical manipulation) by the statin industry to deny the association. In the new study this issue was taken into account by eliminating participants with less than 2.5 years follow up after the start of the study, thus demonstrating that the results were not due to pre-existing cancer.

Needless to say, this study was not part of the marketing machine propaganda that is rampant in universities and "scientific" journals that have been used to promote the statin scam around the world, while actively blackmailing and blacklisting any authors, institutions, or journals that dare to step on Big Pharma's statin toes. This study was published on August 26, 2008 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. It was carried out in Hong Kong with Chinese patients who had type II diabetes – the exact patient who is forced onto aggressive cholesterol lowering with statin drugs in America.

It is quite clear that scientific knowledge and advanced statistical analysis are no longer under the control of Big Pharma and its legions of scientists, universities, and medical journals that are on the take, misrepresenting data, and actively suppressing negative findings. The truth is coming out because Big Pharma is targeting the citizens of the world as a new market for statin sales. And they are also targeting our children, wanting infants seven months of age to have LDL levels of 50 and keep them at that level their whole life (with drugs, since such levels are totally abnormal).

The insanity must stop. Americans have been conned. Big Pharma and the American Heart Association should be held responsible for past crimes and future intended crimes against the health of our citizens under the false pretense of improved cardiovascular health.

Link to full Canadian Medical Association Journal article:

Link to fully referenced version of this article:

About the author: Byron J. Richards, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist, nationally-renowned nutrition expert, and founder of Wellness Resources is a leader in advocating the value of dietary supplements as a vital tool to maintain health. He is an outspoken critic of government and Big Pharma efforts to deny access to natural health products and has written extensively on the life-shortening and health-damaging failures of the sickness industry.

The Perfect Snack

The Perfect Snack

Q: I need a TV-watching snack, Any ideas?

A: Frozen blueberries with a little full-fat greek yogurt or raw milk (if you can find it). The raw milk or yogurt semi-freezes over the blueberries and you've got a fantastic, memory-boosting, antioxidant-rich "dessert" that tastes like sherbet. Sprinkle with slivered almonds and have a ball!

Do you know your Metabolic Type?

“Since starting the Metabolic Typing plan with Marc about 3 weeks ago, I feel fabulous. The extra few pounds I was carrying seem to have fallen off, and my energy level has increased. I have a general feeling of well-being that I never had before, even though I thought I was eating right and exercising. It’s the small changes that can make all the difference!”

Jacquelyn Waddock, Guilford CT

For Testing Info please contact

Largest Loser and Pink Dumbells

As some of you know I have been lucky enough to be a coach for the Larger Loser Event in Woodbridge. I have a team of 10 people I coach for a total of 8 weeks.

We are 6 weeks into this Largest Loser event and I am pleased to say my team is in the lead with a total loss of 235 lbs. YES, that's an average loss of 6.8 lbs per person per week. Do you think they lost this weight while talking on the phone doing cardio??? How about using pink dumbells?? Maybe an abs class?? NOT!!!

Every single person on my team started severely deconditioned. While adopting and using the Optimal Results System each and every person is making drastic improvements in their overall health and well-being.

My team could barely get through a 20 minute workout the first time we met.... Here's a sneak peak at what they accomplished last night after only 6 weeks of INTENSE training---by the way everyone finished in under 37 minutes....TRULY AMAZING and inspiring to me as a trainer! My Green Team is bringing home the Gold!!!

30 Pushups
30 crunches
30 Squats
.5 mile Treadmill level 10

5 minute Rower Machine
30 Pushups
30 Squats
30 Bicycle Crunches

1.5 mile bike ride LEVEL 7
30 Pushups
12 Jump Squats
30 bicycle Crunches

So, after looking at this have you figured out one of the reasons you might not be making any progress?? Maybe it's time to stop lifting those pink d-bells and add some INTENSITY to your workouts!!!
GO GREEN!! I will keep you all updated on my new athletes.

Here are some other people who have experienced extraordinary results this past month using the Optimal Results Training System.

"As an amateur mixed martial arts fighter, I am very serious about fitness and was a little skeptical when I first heard of metabolic typing . In this industry, there are a multitude of diet & training regimens. But with Marc's program, I saw definitive changes within the first few weeks and can honestly say that he has brought my training to a completely different level that I never thought possible. My energy, endurance, speed, and recovery have all exceeded my expectations. Anyone who is serious about weight loss, training, or just a better overall way of life should talk to Marc about one of his exceptional programs."

MMA Fighter,Handsome Edd Abel Orange CT

"Marc Plano is an excellent trainer. His expertise and professionalism are extraordinary. His stretching techniques have changed my life, and I have never moved better. I am on his weight-reduction program and making good progress. I am so pleased that I'm beginning weekly training sessions as well."

Dr. Lawrence Wartel MD
Associate Chief of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale-New Haven Hospital

"I started working with Marc about 6 weeks ago and I have to say that I couldn't be happier with the results that I have achieved. I came to Marc after working with other trainers and remaining about 45 pounds overweight, frustrated, and feeling hopeless. By following Marc's nutrition and exercise plans exactly, I have managed to drop 21 pounds in six weeks. I feel healthier, have more energy, and have been getting a slew of compliments from family and co workers alike. Though his plan is tough and has taken a lot of determination, I would highly recommend his services to anyone that is frustrated with other plans and wants a plan that has a focus on individual likes, needs, and most importantly overall health. Thanks Marc!"

Shaun Riordan Orange CT

Attention Cofee Lovers

Researchers have examined the effects of caffeine had in 10 people
with Type II Diabetes which reported drinking at least 2 cups of
coffee per day. Each subject managed their conditions with both diet
and exercise as well. On the fist day of the study, caffeine pills
were given to the participants in which each pill were roughly
around the equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. On the second day, the
participants received placebo pills.

On the day the participants had taken the caffeine pills, their
average blood sugar levels had increased by about 8%. The increases
after every meal were shocking. After breakfast, blood sugar went up
9%, after lunch it had rose to about 15%, and during dinner it had
rose to 26%!

Researchers are not completely positive about why caffeine affects
blood sugar in such a way. They theorize that it may interfere with
the process that transports glucose from the blood to the parts of
the body where it's used for fuel. Another potential explanation is
that caffeine causes the body to release adrenaline, which can
increase blood sugar levels.

Although caffeine does not always mean coffee, the lead researcher
had stated "Our study suggests that one way to lower blood sugar is
to simply quit drinking coffee..." Then, as an afterthought, he
added "or any other caffeinated beverage." The article went on to
say that "there are no current guidelines suggesting diabetics
should not drink coffee, but [the study's lead author said] that one
day they may come if further studies support their findings."

The take-home message from these finding should be to switch to
decaf for ALL your beverages. After all, as the study authors said
"It may not be easy, but it doesn't cost a dime, and there are no
side effects."

Marc Plano

12 Reasons to Avoid The South Beach Diet

So, Marc what do you think about the South Beach diet??? I get this question all the time. I found a great article I had to send out that shares exactly the same view I share on the South Beach Diet.

Optimal Results will also be offering the ALCAT food sensitivity test in the next couple weeks as well as some other cutting edge functional diagnostic nutrition services. I am in the process of starting a 3 month comprehensive program that will help determine underlying causes of:

Allergies, Acne
Blood sugar problems
Depression and anxiety
Emotional fragility
Headaches and fogginess
Indigestion and bloating
Inflammation and pain
Insomnia and wakefulness
Low sex drive
PMS, skin, and hair problems
Weight gain and weight loss
And many other consequences of the chronic stress response! Let's start testing and stop guessing.....

12 Reasons to Avoid South Beach Diet
by Joseph Mercola

“The South Beach Diet must be a worthwhile diet,” a widely prevalent logic goes, “or else it wouldn’t have sold millions of copies!”

By now Americans ought to know that just because something sells well it doesn’t mean that it’s worth buying, and yet the flawed logic above prevails. Bottom line is, the major reason for The South Beach Diet’s success is that Rodale has spent in excess of one million dollars per month to promote this book. A marketing budget of that size could turn a bicycle repair manual into a major bestseller.

What’s more, according to various reports that are easily accessible by searching Google, with all they’ve spent on marketing the book versus all the book’s sales, it is my understanding that Rodale has actually taken a loss on the book. They’re a clever company, though, and I believe that loss is only temporary, serving more so as an investment in their ever expanding publishing empire. But don’t be swayed by the book’s phenomenal sales -- there are many reasons for you to avoid jumping on the South Beach bandwagon. I list twelve important ones below that should be enough to help you think twice about this diet that is synonymous with “fad” (in all honesty, I could write an entire book pointing out how misguided Dr. Agatston’s diet is, but I am hoping twelve suffice here for you to think twice about this diet):

Reason 1: Gets the “Good” Carbs Wrong -- At the Risk of Many People’s Health

Dr. Agatston promotes the concept that I have long recommended and detail in my Total Health program -- there are good carbs that you should be consuming and bad carbs you should avoid. But then, on the simplest levels, he gets the “good” carbs wrong, including promoting both whole grain breads and fruits as good carbs. This advice can seriously impair the health of the millions of people in this country with sub clinical gluten sensitivity. It is also a prescription for disaster for the large number who have high carbohydrate sensitivity and struggle with controlling their insulin. It is best that ALL grains and sugars (fruits, as opposed to vegetables, have high sugar content) be avoided until insulin levels are normalized.

Reason 2: Severely Misguided Advice Can Lead to Dangerous Levels of Mercury and PCBs in You

Dr. Agatston recommends fish, displaying absolutely no understanding that nearly all fish from every type of water source are now contaminated with dangerous levels of mercury and PCBs from generations of water pollution from coal plants and other sources. Mercury and PCBs can lead to all kinds of very serious disease including neurological disorders. The dangerous levels of toxins in fish is not hearsay but a warning that has been issued by many health practitioners and major health and government agencies -- even the very conservative EPA advises pregnant women to avoid fish -- and I have witnessed the epidemic with thousands of patients in my own clinic. Either Agatston is not aware of this important issue or decided not to cover it; no mention is made that, to safely avoid the mercury and PCB issue in fish while still getting proper omega-3 intake, substituting clean sources of bottled or capsule fish oil is by far the wisest option. Additionally, a recent USA Today report suggested that it would cost over $90 a week to follow the misguided fish intake recommended by The South Beach Diet anyway.

Reason 3: Advice on Milk May Worsen a Common Allergy

Dr. Agaston freely advocates commercial pasteurized milk. He is obviously unaware of the major problems many people have with pasteurized casein and its prevalence as one of the most common food allergies (further, as he is positioning himself as a dietary expert, he should be aware and note that many people aren’t even yet aware they have this allergy). Though consuming raw (unpasteurized) milk is still a controversial topic, for some people many of the problems they experience with pasteurized milk disappear when they consume clean milk in its raw state (raw milk is becomingly increasingly available again). However, even in a clean, raw state many still are unable to tolerate it. Many should therefore avoid milk altogether. The point is, none of this essential information that impacts many people is covered in The South Beach Diet.

Reason 4: Buys Into the Old Myth of Saturated Fat -- at Your Expense

Dr. Agatston fortunately does not buy into the myth that eggs are bad (eggs can be quite healthy for you, especially organic eggs), but he is still under the delusion that saturated fat is bad for everyone. Like carbohydrates, though, some high quality saturated food is not merely okay but needs to be part of a truly healthy diet. What matters, as with carbs and all macronutrients, is that you are getting your saturated fat from a clean and healthy source such as organic virgin coconut oil. (Search “saturated fat” on for more on this issue.)

Reason 5: Recommends Aspartame ... Widely Recognized as a Health Hazard

Though NutraSweet/aspartame has been shown in many studies to be dangerous, linked to a wide range of diseases such as cancer and diabetes and various emotional disorders (read “Articles on Aspartame” on or input “aspartame” into the search engine), Dr. Agatston actually encourages its use in The South Beach Diet.

Reason 6: Dangerous Misguidance on a Serious Trans-Fat Issue

Perhaps Dr. Agatston’s most significant oversight is his lack of understanding of trans fats. Early in the book he states that trans-fats are dangerous and need to be avoided, yet on page 54 he makes the outrageous claim that French fries and potato chips are healthier choices than baked potatoes because of the “fat in which they’re cooked.” This is extremely dangerous misinformation, as French fries and potato chips tend to be profoundly high in trans fats and are amongst the unhealthiest foods on the planet.

I perceive this statement as irrefutable evidence of his nutritional ignorance. I can’t possibly imagine anyone with even a minimum amount of nutritional biochemical education making a recommendation like that. Although Dr. Agatston is a cardiologist as Dr. Atkins was, he was never part of the pioneering group of physicians who understood nutrition as it relates to health (which Atkins was). I have some disagreements with Dr. Atkin’s program, but they are relatively minor compared to my objections with The South Beach Diet. Dr. Atkins would never have advocated eating French fries or potato chips. These foods are the toxic equivalent of a cigarette and should be avoided like the plague.

Reason 7: Even More Misguidance on Fats

Further displaying his lack of knowledge on fats, Dr. Agatston promotes the use of synthetic margarines like “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” (versus the healthier choice, real butter). He is not aware that the process of creating this type of margarine completely distorts the physical structure of its fats, making it nearly as dangerous as margarines that have trans-fats. He is apparently making this recommendation due to his phobia of saturated fat without realizing that, as mentioned above, some saturated fat -- such as healthy saturated fats that are found in raw organic butter and coconut oil -- are necessary for optimal health. Moreover, he classifies all unsaturated fats as healthy, obviously unaware that the high omega-6 unsaturated fat that causes a distortion of the omega 3:6 ratio is one of the major contributing factors to most chronic degenerative diseases.

Reason 8: The Lack of Nutritional Insight Can Be Carcinogenic!

Dr. Agaston continues to display his lack of nutritional awareness by advocating peanut butter on page 49 as a good source of monounsaturated fat and the polyphenolic bioflavanoid, resveratrol. While I am a fan of both of these nutritional items, it is very important to pay attention to the quality of the peanut butter, and the type of peanuts in general. He does advise to avoid peanut butters with added sugar and to use only all-natural peanut butter (though he ought to expand a bit on why -- peanuts are probably the crop most heavily sprayed with pesticides in the world, for instance). But he fails to mention one of the most serious peanut issues of all and make recommendations accordingly: most peanuts are very susceptible to contamination by afflatoxin, a carcinogenic mold spore, and so you should seek to restrict peanut butter (and any type of peanut product) consumption to Valencia peanuts only. This species grows in dry climates, which seriously restricts the growth of afflatoxin. Fortunately, Arrowhead Mills Organic Peanut Butter (which you can find in many stores now) meets both qualifications.

Reason 9: An Effective Diet Can Eliminate Dependency on Statins, but This One Does Not

Dr. Agatston is still absolutely unaware of the power of an optimized diet to normalize cholesterol, as he still takes a statin drug to lower his own cholesterol and is apparently unaware of the many dangers associated with statin drugs. It is quite possible to avoid statin drugs and supplements to normalize cholesterol levels, and my patients have experienced this success by following my own Total Health Program. I encourage Dr. Agatston to give my program a try as well so he can get off the statin drugs and avoid their risks.

Reason 10: Many Will Not Even Temporarily Lose Weight

The South Beach Diet is a one-size-fits-all diet that completely ignores the fact that we have different genetic requirements for optimal health ... one-size-fits-all diets never work for all, or even close to all. Because of their biochemistry, some people actually need a high carb diet (with limited or no grains), while others require the low-carb, high-protein diet that Dr. Atkinson advocates.

This is the principle of “metabolic typing,” and explains why one person will lose weight on a low-carb diet (though, as covered throughout this article, they may not necessarily improve their health or lose it permanently, unless it is a healthy low-carb diet) while another person will not lose any on the identical diet. To understand this principle in more detail and learn your own metabolic type so you can optimize your efforts at truly effective weight loss and improve your health while you are at it, I urge you to read “Modify Your Diet So You Feel Terrific” on, or type in “metabolic typing” on the search engine.

The South Beach Diet also contains a serious lack of appropriate guidance on the Glycemic Index. Dr. Agatston relies on this index as a tool in weight loss, but I have found it anything besides useful, as it contains far, far too many exceptions to be of any value. A classic example is fructose, which has a very low glycemic index yet has been clearly established as a major reason why many people are overweight. If you follow Dr. Agaston’s advice in this regard you will be going down the weight gain path for sure. This is also an issue with some of the low glycemic index foods like chocolate, cherries, and apple juice, which we know should be avoided if you want to lose weight, yet would seem to have nearly unlimited access to if you follow The South Beach Diet.

Reason 11: Too Lax on the Exercise for Most Readers

Exercise is a critical part of any permanent weight loss regime, but Dr. Agatston’s advice on exercise is highly debatable. While I absolutely agree with his central thesis that we don’t need to train like an Olympic hopeful and that 20 minutes a day is sufficient, this advice is only for people who are already in shape. Most people in this country, and likely even a higher proportion of those reading a weight loss book, have developed a serious exercise deficiency and will need far higher levels of exercise to make a significant influence on up-regulating the body’s metabolic machinery to burn fats continuously, especially while one sleeps.

Reason 12: Most Will NOT Lose Weight Permanently with this Diet

The book is subtitled, The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss, but I suspect many people buying the book care much more about the weight loss aspect than the “healthy” aspect. As you can figure out from points above, the diet has very little to do with improving your health anyway, and can lead you in the opposite direction.

Even in terms of losing weight, though, the book might succeed for some in the short-term like many fad diets, but most will not permanently lose weight. Agatston even alludes to this in the chapter entitled “Why Do People Occasionally Fail on This Diet?” though he seems to demonstrate just more lack of insight on the real “why” in that chapter.

By far the main reason most people will fail at losing weight permanently on this diet (and many other popular diets) is because no real solutions have been presented for the emotional challenges that come with dieting ... and those challenges are, far more than knowing what is right and wrong, the biggest challenges of all.

There are solutions to the emotional challenges such as cravings, food addictions, self-image issues and the other self-sabotaging behavior (I encourage you to search for more on this topic), so it is extremely distressing that in Dr. Agatston’s program -- and in this day and age in any dietary program -- these weren’t covered effectively.

In short, even if The South Beach Diet’s nutritional recommendations were solid -- and they are by no means solid -- without covering the emotional component, adherents to the diet are left with a void where some of the most important advice to them should be. Therefore, most who “swear by” the diet because it helped them shed a few pounds in the short-term will ultimately end up where they started before The South Beach Diet ... that is, desperate for real help and a prime target for yet another heavily marketed fad diet book promising the world but delivering dust.

A Brief Intro to Metabolic Typing

Metabolic Typing is a fusion of two typing systems: the Oxidative system (based on the work of George Watson, Ph.D.) and the Autonomic system (based on the work of William Donald Kelley, D.D.S.). The basic premise is that one or the other of these two systems (the Oxidative or the Autonomic) will be more dominant in controlling the metabolism of any given person.

Our work seeks to identify: 1) which system is dominant in any given individual; and 2) which of two sub-types within that system characterizes the individual (Fast or Slow Oxidizer within the Oxidative system, and Sympathetic or Parasympathetic within the Autonomic system).

The reason that it is important to know the dominance system is that foods have opposite pH effects in members of the two dominance systems; e.g. foods that acidify the two Oxidizers (Fast or Slow Oxidizers) will alkalize the two Autonomics (Sympathetics or Parasympathetics), and vice versa. Acidifying the Oxidizers is desirable for the overly alkaline Slow Oxidizer, but contraindicated for the overly acid Fast Oxidizer. Conversely, alkalizing the Autonomics is desirable for the overly acid Sympathetic, but undesirable for the overly alkaline Parasympathetic.

What we call the Group I types (Slow Oxidizers and Sympathetics) do best on a diet that is lower in protein and fat, and higher in complex carbohydrates. This diet acidifies the overly alkaline Slow Oxidizers while alkalizing the overly acid Sympathetics. However, the Group II types (Fast Oxidizers and Parasympathetics) do best on a diet that is higher in protein and fat, and lower in complex carbohydrates. This diet alkalizes the overly acid Fast Oxidizers while acidifying the overly alkaline Parasympathetics. Because each one of the pairs in these two diet groups comes from opposite dominance systems (Oxidative and Autonomic), the same foods affect them in opposite ways, thereby helping each one to recover metabolic balance: the overly alkaline person is acidified, and the overly acidic person is alkalized.

Thus, by identifying an individual's Metabolic Type, we are able to direct them at the foods that work best for their particular metabolism, thereby ending the guessing game perpetuated by the numerous conflicting dietary recommendations found in the nutritional marketplace.

Call 1-877-Plano-Plan to schedule your MT testing.
See website for program options and pricing.

To Much Fish?

Dear Friends,

I hope you all liked the milk clip or at least got you to think about using organic milk which is a huge step in the right direction.

Throughout the years there have been many conflicting reports about how fish can affect your health.

In the New York Times it was concluded that random testing of tuna in sushi found mercury levels so high that eating just six pieces of raw tuna in sushi a week will put you over the EPA's limit.

However, The American Heart Association recommends a much larger 6 ounces of fish twice a week in order to maintain the optimum heart health.

Many even recommend farm-raised fish instead of fish that are caught in the wild. However, in order to avoid mercury found in wild fish, another problem arises from farm-raised fish.

Farm-raised fish are mostly fed soy and grain opposed to their natural diet of shrimp and plankton. Due to being fed soy and grain, their meat becomes far less nutritious than their wild-caught counterparts.

Also, farm-raised fish are simply fish that are trapped in shoreline pens which means that they absorb toxic chemicals in ground water and "run-off", including PCBs, dioxins, pesticides, and yes - even mercury.

In a recent study, it was found that wild-caught fish have lower levels of dangerous toxins than farm-raised fish all together. Most fish bought from supermarkets and restaurants are from farm-raised fish.

Although we can altogether avoid fish, here is a solution:

Stick to smaller fish that are lower down on the food chain. Smaller fish do not generally eat other fish, therefore, fewer toxins are stored in their flesh. The biggest of the fish group such as tuna and swordfish are the ones with the highest mercury levels.

This does not mean you have to avoid tuna and swordfish or any large fish altogether. Simply try to eat the larger fish less frequently. If it is possible, try to eat wild-caught fish and prefer Pacific to Atlantic fish.

Here is a list of Safe and Unsafe fish that can be eaten put together by the Wellness Research Team:

* Notice how some of the same species can be healthy or dangerous depending on where they come from.


Salmon (wild-caught Alaskan)
Herring (Atlantic)
Mackerel (Atlantic)
Flounder (summer)
Arctic Char
Halibut (Pacific/Alaska)
Mahi-mahi (Atlantic)
Black cod
Shrimp (Northern/Canada)
Clams/Oysters (ocean farmed)
Bay scallops (ocean farmed)
Blue Crab (Atlantic)


Salmon (farm-raised/Atlantic)
King Mackerel
Tuna (blue fin)
Halibut (Atlantic)
Cod (Atlantic)
Shrimp (Imported)
Chilean Sea Bass

To Better Health!


The Cookie Diet

"Make the decision, then do something - no matter how small - toward accomplishing what you want."

How about this new Cookie Diet by Dr. Siegal?? Who wants to try that? Imagine eating pre-packaged cookies and miraculously losing weight. This diet launched in Miami and exploded when I was living there... and now there are centers opening up all over CT.

The Cookie Diet, why didn't I think of that? A pre-packaged chemical ridden cookie with tons of wonderful nutrients like artificial flavors, preservatives, dyes, artificial sweeteners and my favorite product SOY. This 1000 calorie cookie plan must be the secret I have been missing all this time.

Latest Optimal Results Testimonial:

"I was put on my first “diet” at age 8, when my parents sent me to a Weight Watchers Camp in Amherst MA. I spent the next 7 years losing 15-30 pounds in the summer and gaining 20-40 during the school year. 34 years since my first summer at camp I have probably gained and lost over 1000 pounds. I was never able to imagine myself as a thin person. With so many successes, yet followed by so many failures, I never believed I could do it.

I felt like I hit the jackpot when I was selected to participated in a Largest Loser competition at my local gym. I was selected to the green team with a trainer who was in better shape then anyone I had ever met. Initially I did not know what to expect or believe. I had been taught so many different things, yet nothing seemed to work. Marc said “trust me...has what you have been doing worked thus far?...” I knew the answer was a resounding NO...

Needless-to-say, I have been transformed... I have learned a new way of life. I look at food and exercise in a completely different way. Marc taught me how to exercise efficiently, effectively and intelligently. I never knew I had any sweat glands! His knowledge of nutrition is incredible. Learning to eat red meat and FAT again has been an awakening and my body loves it. I always figured I was a protein metabolic type.

Marc is caring, compassionate, seasoned and smart. He has what it takes to TRANSFORM people’s lives. He has done it for me and so many others. I only hope he can share his gift with many more!"


One of my favorite clients- A mystery woman from Woodbridge CT


MSG Anyone?

Did You Know...

That most doctors, dietitians and the public know very little about the toxic effects of MSG?
That the billion dollar processed food industry and MSG producers pay lobbyists to make all of us believe MSG is safe for the majority of the population?
That monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, a nonessential amino acid used to enhance food flavors? But it is also an excitatory neurotransmitter that destroys nerve cells in the brain of susceptible people?
That 30 to 40% or more of our population is experiencing the harmful effects of what the medical society has recently called the "MSG Symptom Complex" and many of us don't know it?
Most of us ingest more MSG than we realize or than the FDA and researchers regard as safe?
That the amount of MSG added to our processed foods has doubled every 10 years since 1945?
That MSG is not just used in East Asian restaurants, but in most restaurants and most bagged, bottled, frozen, boxed, canned, or commercially prepared foods?
That additives such as hydrolyzed protein and autolyzed yeast can contain as much as 40% MSG, and do not have to be labeled as such?
That aspartame and L-cysteine are other powerful excitotoxins that cause similar damage to our bodies?
That Attention Deficit Disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, some weight problems, migraine headaches, sleeping disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Glaucoma, Asthma, Diabetes, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), and Parkinson's may have more in common than we think?
That we as a people tend to take at least 20 years to accept what earlier tests warn us is harmful to us, especially when it means giving up something we enjoy? Consider tobacco and caffeine.
That your body is your best source of the truth? According to Funk and Wagnall's Standard Desk Dictionary (volume 1, 1980), a myth is "a false opinion, belief, or ideal." Test yourself by using our suggestions and see if you or your loved ones are suffering needlessly due to the "MSG Myth" and those who promote it.
Hidden Names for MSG

Foods always contain free glutamate when these words are on the label:

Hidden Names for MSG

Foods always contain free glutamate when these words are on the label:

MSG Gelatin Calcium Caseinate
Monosodium glutamate Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Textured Protein
Monopotassium glutamate Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP) Yeast Extract
Glutamate Autolyzed Plant Protein Yeast food or nutrient
Glutamic Acid Sodium Caseinate Autolyzed Yeast
Vegetable Protein Extract


Three Major Foods Causing Health Problems


The Focus of Health:
Foods that are bad for everyone.
Good foods that are good for you.
Good foods that are bad for you.

Three Major Foods Causing Health Problems:
The processing and refining of our vegetable oils into trans fatty and hydrogenated acids and oils.
The high consumption of refined sugars and grain products.
The high intake of animal meats and animal fats.

Three Factors For Optimizing Health
Positive mental attitude.
Proper nutrition for your body chemistry.
Adequate aerobic exercise for your age.

Dr. Richard Kunin, a prominent ortho molecular physician in San Francisco, states that if every person in the United States would take 700 IU's of vitamin E daily, it would save billions of dollars a year in health costs. If the government were to ban the manufacturing of trans fatty acids and hydrogenated oils, this would benefit health costs many more billions of dollars and drastically cut down many degenerative disease processes. Do not hold your breath for this to happen. It is up to every one of us to insure ourselves of the proper intake of foods and nutrients.

The balancing of the venous blood pH is the protocol that I utilize in my nutritional practice. Nutrients are optimally absorbed and utilized when the pH of the venous blood is 7.46. If ones blood is on the acid side and the good food he or she eats is acid forming in the blood, this would be a bad food for that person as it would further acidify the blood. This is an example of a good food that would be bad for that individual. When one can maintain an optimal pH of the venous blood, higher level of wellness will be obtained, along with more energy, fewer allergies, and freedom from many aches and pains.

For questions and testing information contact:

Marc Plano- BS,CPT,Licensed Metabolic Typing Specialist

Ph. 203.535.9294

Metabolic Typing and Blood pH

Metabolic Typing and Blood pH

Harold J. Kristal, D.D.S.

As most of you know, the blood pH curve, as inferred from the way the blood sugar responds to a special glucose challenge drink, is the central marker used in our Metabolic Typing protocol. I thought it might be interesting to give you some background as to the origin of this valuable marker.

It was first observed by George Watson, Ph.D., a full professor of psychology at the University of Southern California (USC), that small changes in venous blood plasma pH levels made a discernible difference in the moods and behaviors of many of his research subjects. It was he who first determined that the slightly alkaline level of 7.46 was the optimal venous blood pH; anything above, he considered overly alkaline, and anything below, he considered overly acid (we follow his relative usage of the terms acid and alkaline as being in relation to the perceived ideal of 7.46). Up until this time, venous blood pH was only measured in tenths (e.g. 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, etc.) but Watson was the first to measure it in hundreds (e.g. 7.35, 7.46, 7.54, etc.).

Watson's ground-breaking observation — based on measuring the venous blood pH of psychiatric patients at the USC hospital — was that small changes in their blood pH could predict the degree and severity of the patient's psychological and behavioral problems. After performing such analyses for some time, he began to experiment with the use of foods and nutritional supplements to help drive the blood pH towards the optimal balance point of 7.46. His research and clinical successes were documented in his classic book Nutrition and Your Mind: The Psychochemical Response (Harper & Row, 1972). Although his work was hailed by a small number of alternatively minded physicians, it was shunned by the mainstream medical and psychiatric community, whose professional pride was piqued by Watson's bold assertion that psychoanalysis would not be fruitful if the patient's blood pH was not balanced, and by his further claim that many apparently deep-seated psychological problems were simply unrecognized blood sugar imbalances that could be corrected by dietary changes.

Some years later, another pH pioneer stepped up to the plate to verify and expand upon Dr. Watson's work. Rudolf Wiley, Ph.D., a physicist by training, discovered that not only were psychogenic conditions improve by balancing blood pH, but so too were many physical conditions, such as fatigue, allergies, obesity and cardiovascular problems. In his beautifully written book BioBalance (Essential Science Publishing, 1989) Wiley describes how to draw and centrifuge blood to determine its pH. He also reported on the results of an extensive research project that he underwrote and conducted which demonstrated the pH effects of commonly eaten foods in the body, research that, to this day, forms the basis of the food selections recommended to the various Metabolic Types.

I myself performed Rudolf Wiley's testing protocol on over three hundred patients. However, it involved four intravenous blood draws over a fourteen hour period, and the use of extremely technique-sensitive equipment, so I sought out a less time consuming, costly and invasive approach. I remembered that Dr. Watson had mentioned in his book how the glucose tolerance test could be used to infer whether an individual's blood was running on the relatively acid or alkaline side. After two years of trial and error, I perfected what I now refer to as the mini-glucose tolerance test ("mini" because it uses less than half the glucose of the original medical version), which has an over 80% accuracy rate. This innovation makes it possible to complete the process of Metabolic Typing in two hours, rather than the fourteen hours required by Rudolf Wiley's method.

Another encounter early in 1996 further expanded and deepened my understanding of Watson and Wiley's theories of acid-alkaline balance. After I had written an article on my work in the Townsend Letter for Doctors, I was contacted by William L. Wolcott who presented to me his radical new theory of the dominance principle. This principle is based on the observation that there are two primary systems in the body responsible for the production and management of energy: the Oxidative, or energy generating system (which is what Watson and Wiley's work was exploring); and the Autonomic, or energy regulating system, which had been explored initially by Francis M. Pottenger, M.D., and later developed by William Donald Kelley, D.D.S. Wolcott's theory asserted that one or the other system was most dominant in any given individual, and that this dominant system determined whether or not foods would have an acid or alkaline forming effect in the body. This model challenges the older but still common paradigm that asserts that foods have a fixed pH effect in everyone who eats them; whereas Wolcott's dominance theory asserts that the net pH effect of the food once it enters the body is modified by the metabolism of the person consuming it. Over three years of extensive collaboration, Wolcott and I developed the prototype of the testing methodology that we use today to determine the different Metabolic Types.

People come to our clinic for a variety of reasons, and with health conditions ranging from minor to life threatening. Many of the benefits of Metabolic Typing are preventative, helping people to avoid potentially serious diseases by improving their nutritional status and metabolic functioning. Sometimes, however, they can be dramatic, as in the case of a 68 year-old woman who came to my office after undergoing a lumpectomy, chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer, only to be told that the cancer had returned. She was determined not to repeat her previous ordeal, and so she decided to have her blood pH tested. It turned out that she was so excessively alkaline that she was unable to properly metabolize her nutrients, and was, in effect, starving at a cellular level. I changed her diet, gave her a few basic supplements, and almost immediately her energy improved. When she returned to her oncologist three months later, he told her that she was in remission. Eleven years later, her cancer still has not returned, and she remains a living testament to the power of metabolically balancing the blood pH.

To find out how balanced you are contact Optimal Results 203-535-9294.

Marc Plano